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Springtail culturing:
In a sealed plastic container add RO or distilled water and a layer of aquarium charcoal. A quarter inch of charcoal is all thats needed. Have your waterline just under the top of the charcoal. Springtails thrive in water. To feed you can add brewers yeast a couple of times a week. It is important to open the container a few times a week. As cultures grow fresh air is needed. CO2 will build up and lead to their demise. You though will want to keep them in a sealed container to hold in moisture and preventing escape. Springtails eat wood and will damage wood if left the opportunity. Mites as well would love to enter and crash your culture. A sealed container is vital. You can provide small dehydrated fish pieces or dehydrated freshwater shrimp to provide protein weekly. Remove any excess after a week or less to prevent any smell build up. You can transfer springs tails by emptying water from their culture to the new destination or using a straw and blowing them from a corner of their culture to their new destination.
Dwarf white Isopod culturing:
A plastic shoe box container with a lid is ideal for culturing dwarf whites. For a habitat, add Coco bark plantation soil covering the base 2 inches. Add sterilized leaf litter (Oak) to the soil and mix it. This will be the primary food source for isos. Add leaves to the top to provide shelter and additional food. Add RO/distilled water saturated sphagnum moss in one quarter of the container on the top. Mist this area weekly till saturated. This is the wet spot that isos can go to get more moisture. This enclosure will need to be kept humid so make sure to mist often and keep moist. No standing water is needed or desired. They can be supplemented with certain vegetables sparingly. Since vegetables will be on soil if too much is provided or left too long mites may emerge and boom. Thinly slice vegetables and remove within a day or two. Veggies include sweet potatoes, cucumber, zucchini and more. Be careful when tossing food that their are no tiny baby isopods still attached to the food. Placing food on a leaf helps keep the soil below clean and makes clean-up easier. Discard leaf when it becomes "soiled" from food.