"Emergency Supportive Care" info from Dendroboard: https://www.dendroboard.com/threads/emergency-supportive-care.16433/
Medications: https://store.frogsnthings.com/resources/health-and-medications.html
DART FROG DISEASE https://www.blackjungleterrariumsupply.com/Dart-Frog-Disease_ep_118.html
Reptile Magazine- How To Recognize And Prevent Medical Ailments In Amphibians: August 19, 2014 Douglas Mader, M.S., DVM, DABVP, DipEczm (Herpetology)
Good to have medications for froggers:
"Simply with 3 ingredients" or "Original" no pain relief.
-Silver-Sulfadizene ointment (Dont use if you provide UV light) Triple Sulfa
-Methylene Blue fungal anti-protozoal (eggs/ tadpoles)
Osmotic imbalances:
Ringers Solution
STS: aka Short Tongue Syndrome.
Vitamin A deficiency makes catching flies difficult.
Dart frog video: Recognizing STS